
Posts Tagged ‘Lucky Days PV’

Watch the MV HERE.

Okay I was about not to write about this, because I didn’t really have anything good to say. But I’ll try to make it work. I seriously hate their Japanese appearance, can’t they come back to their cool image in Korea!

Sure, they all looked adorable in their PV and I kind of want those dolls for my birthday present. But the song was just .. Too Cute? .___. It wasn’t all cool as their songs usually are, it was just cute. SS501 + Korea = Perfect. ❤

Basically, it was GAYGAYGAY! Just like their other japanese PV’s. I miss my (or xNoodles, so to say) Hyun Joong’s smexy blonde hair 4chance-style ;__;

I just want to spread the love! – Aleex, iRapeHellokitty

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